Sportneer APP Privacy Policy

 If you are a user located in the United States or the European Economic Area (EEA), please refer to the following terms of use.

If you are not a user in the above countries or regions, please refer to your local terms of use.

The Sportneer Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred as "the Policy") only applies to the Sportneer products or services of Shenzhen Thousandshores Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company" or "us"). The policy describes how we collect, store, use, disclose and deal with your personal information, and describes your rights and choices when using the Sportneer services.

If you disagree to any detail of this policy including collection, storage, usage, disclose or dealing with your information through any of the ways described in the policy, you will not be able to use the Sportneer services.

Last updated date: Jan. 4, 2021

The policy will help you understand the following matters:

  • How we collect and use your user information
  • How we use cookies and similar technologies
  • How we share, transfer, and publiclydisclose your user information
  • How we protect your user information
  • Your rights and how to access, update and manage your personal information
  • How we deal with children's personal information
  • How to store and globally transfer your user information
  • How to update the policy
  • How to contact us

     1. Collect and use your user information

     1) We will collect and use your information when you using the Sportneer products or services.

    We will only collect and use your user information for business functions described in the "Sportneer Terms of Use" and the policy, to provide you with products or services.

    When using our services, please allow us to collect information that you proactively provide or the necessary information for the purpose of providing you services, including:

         a) Information that you proactively provide when using our services.

         i. The information you fill in when you registering your account.

    For example, your nickname, email address, location, height, weight, password or other information you fill in, allowing us to help identify who you are or that assist us in providing or improving our services whilst registering for the Sportneer App.

         ii. The information you upload when using the services.

    For example, the uploaded profile photo or shared photo whilst using the Sportneer App.

         iii. The information you submit through our customer service or when you participate in our activity actually organized by us.

    For example, your name, phone number, home address and other information you fill in the questionnaire when participating in our online activities.

    Your specific personal sensitive information may be required to achieve specific functions of some of our services. If you choose not to provide such kinds of this information stated, you may not be able to use those specific functions normally, but it will not affect your usage of other functions. If you proactively provide your sensitive personal information, you will be agreeing to this policy in that we can deal with your sensitive personal information in accordance with the purposes and methods described as stated in this policy.

         b) Information we obtain when you use the services

         i. Log information

    When you use our services, we may automatically collect relevant information and save it as service log information.

         (1) Equipment information

    For example, this includes the device model, the operating system version, the unique device identifier, battery, and signal strength.

         (2) Software information

    This includes the software version and browser type. To ensure a safe operating environment or provide necessary services, we will be able to collect your mobile application information and other software you use.

         (3) IP address

         (4) Service log information

    This includes the information you searched for and viewed, including service failure information, referring URLs, and other information types when using our services.

         ii. Location information

    When using location-related services, we may record the location information of your device.

         (1) When you use the services, we will obtain your geographic location information through IP address, GPS, WiFi or base station.

         (2) The information provided by you or other users may include your geographic location information when using the services. This consists of your location information which may be included originally in your provided account information, and the geotag information included in the photos shared by you or others.

         iii. Other relevant information

    In order to help you better use our products or services, we will collect other relevant information.

         c) The information shared by other users contains your information

    For example this includes photos or shared videos posted by other users that may contain your information.

         d) Information obtained from third-party partners

    We may obtain information generated or shared when you use third-party services (such as Facebook, Apple, Google plus, Amazon and other social media platofms). For example, when using the Sportneer App to sign in on a third-party service, we will obtain your login name and time for the third-party service in order to facilitate your authorization management. Please read the terms of use or privacy policy of the third-party service carefully.

    The above information you provide will be authorized for useage buy ourselves when using the Sportneer services. When you stop using the services, we will stop using and delete the above information.

         e) If you are using an iPhone, for the purposesof recording your exercise data, we will receive and send your exercise data from HeathKit with your authorization. To simplify your entry process, we read your step count data from HeathKit. Also, based on your separate consent, your training data generated in Sportneer will be synchronized with HeathKit. Any information obtained through the use of HeathKit, including fatty-free weight, height, BMI, body fat percentage and weight, will not be shared with any third party, including advertisers and other agencies. Additionally, we will not use HeathKit's information for marketing, advertising, or similar services.

         f) If you are using an Android phone, we will receive and send your activity data from GoogleFit for the purpose of recording your activity data, with your authorization. To simplify your input process, we will read your step count data from GoogleFit. Also, based on your separate consent, the training data you generate in Sportneer will additionally be synchronized with GoogleFit. Any information obtained through the use of GoogleFit, including fat-free weight, height, BMI, body fat percentage and weight, will not be shared with any third parties, including advertisers and other agencies. We will not use GoogleFit information for marketing, advertising, or similar services.

      We guarantee that the collected user information will be de-identified or anonymized in accordance with the law. For the information that cannot be used to identify a person alone or in combination with other information, it doesn’t belong to personal information legally. If we combine non-personal information with other information to identify your personal identity, or when we combine it with your personal information, we will regard such kinds of information as your own personal information, and deal with and protect it in accordance with the privacy policy during the combination process.

      In order to better operate and improve our technologies and services, or due to changes in business strategies, we will notify you within a reasonable period of time after obtaining user information or before processing user information, and obtain your consent if collection, usage and processing of user information is required by the Sportneer products or services exceeds the above-mentioned scope, or if the information collected for specific purposes is used for other purposes unspecified in the policy by us.

           2) With the exception of authorization and consent

      Please understand that we do not require your authorization in order to collect your user information in the following situations in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant national standards:

           a) Directly related to national security and national defense security.

           b) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests.

           c) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments.

           d) In order to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

           e) Information that you have already disclosed to the public before using the Sportneer APP.

           f) Collected from legally, publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosuresand other channels.

           g) Required for signing or performing a contract according to your requirements.

           h) Required for maintaining the safe and stable operation of software and related services, includingdiscovering and handling faults in software and related services.

           i) The personal information manager arestaff membersin news organizations with the information required for legal news reporting.

           j) It is necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research based on the public interests, and when they provide academic research or described results to the outside, they de-identify the personal information contained in the results.

           k) Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations

           3)  SDK name: Umeng SDK

      Service Type: statistical analysis

      The type of personal information collected: device information (IMEI/Mac/Android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI/geographic location, etc.)

      Privacy policy link:

           2. Cookies and similar technologies

           1) Cookies

      To ensure the normal operation of the website and software, we will store small data files named Cookies on your computer or mobile device. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. Sportneer can store your visit preference data in Cookies.

      We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in the Sportneer Terms of Use and the policy. You can manage or delete cookies as you prefer. You can clear all cookies saved on your computer, and most web browsers have a feature to block cookies. But if you do this, you need to personally change the user settings each time you visit the Sportneer App.

           2) Beacons and pixel tags

      In addition to cookies, we also use beacons, pixel tags, and other similar technologies on the software. For example, the email we send you may contain a URL that can be clicked to enter the Sportneer App.

      If you click the link, we will track the click to help us understand your product or service preferences and then improve the relavant customer service. A beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in software or email. With the help of the pixel tags in the email, we can know whether the email has been opened. If you do not want your activities to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

           3) Do Not Track

      Many web browsers have a Do Not Track function, which can post a Do Not Track request to the website. Currently, major Internet standards organizations haven’t established relevant policies to regulate how websites should respond to such requests. However, if Do Not Track is activated in your browser, all our websites will respect your choice.

           3. Share, transfer, and publicly disclose your user information

           1) Sharing

      We will not share your user information with any other companies, organizations and individuals, except in the following cases:

           a) Sharing with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your user information with other parties.

           b) We may share your user information externally in accordance with laws and regulations, or mandatory requirements of government authorities.

           c) Sharing with our affiliated companies: Your user information may be shared with our affiliates. We will only share necessary user information and the action is bounded by the purpose stated in the policy. If the affiliated company wants to change the purpose of processing user information, it will ask for your authorization and consent again.

           d) Sharing with authorized partners: For achieving the purpose stated in the policy only, some of our services will be provided by authorized partners. We may share some of your user information with our partners in order to provide better customer service and user experience. We will share your user information only for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and will only share requireduser information to provide services. To better operate and improve technology and services, please agree that we and our authorized partners can use the collected information for other services and purposes under the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations.

      The specific authorized partners are listed below and a link to the third party’s privacy policy is provided. We recommend that you read the third party’s privacy policy:

           i. Advertising and media: We may share the collected information with advertising, media and other authorized partners to optimize advertising, improve marketing effects, and other commercial purposes.

           ii. According to the different types of integrated SDK, different information needs to be collected respectively.

      For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share user information, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with them, and require them to handle user information in accordance with our instructions, this privacy policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

           2) Transfer

      We will not transfer your user information to any company, organization and individual, except in the following cases:

           a) Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your user information to other parties.

           b) When it comes to mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation, we will ask the new company or organization that holds your user information to continue to be bound by the privacy policy if it involves the transfer of user information, otherwise we will require the company or organization to regain authorization and consent from you.

           3) Public disclosure

      We will only publicly disclose your user information under the following circumstances:

           a) After obtaining your explicit consent.

           b) Disclosure based on law: We may publicly disclose your user information in the case of laws, legal procedures, litigation or mandatory requirements of government authorities.

           4) Exceptions for prior authorization and consent when sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing information.

      Please understand that, we don’t need your authorization and consent to share, transfer, and publicly disclose your user information in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant national standards in the following situations:

           a) Directly related to national security and national defense security.

           b) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests.

           c) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments.

           d) In order to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

           e) Collected is disclosed to the public by yourself.

           f) Collected from legally, publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

           4. Protect your user information

           1) We have used industry-standard security protection measures to protect your user information to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your user information. For example, the data exchange between your browser and the "services" is protected by SSL encryption; we provide the https secure browsing for you; we will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; we will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent data being maliciously attacked; we will deploy an access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel can access user information; and we will organize security and privacy protection training courses to strengthen employees’ awareness of the importance of protecting user information.

           2) We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant user information will not be collected. We will only keep your user information for the period required to achieve the purpose stated in the policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or is permitted by law.

           3) The Internet is not an absolutely safe environment, and email, instant messaging, and communication with other users are not encrypted. Hence, we strongly recommend to not send user information through such methods.

           4) We will regularly update and disclose the relevant report on security risks, user information security impact assessment, etc.

           5) The Internet is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure the security of any information you send to us. Even if we make great efforts and take all reasonable and necessary measures, we still may not be able to prevent your user information from being illegally accessed, stolen, tampered with or destroyed, resulting in damage to your legal rights. Please understand the above risks should be born voluntarily by yourself.

           6) If security incidents of user information occur unfortunately, we will promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and the suggestions of independent prevention and risk reduction, and remedial measures etc. in accordance with laws and regulations. We will promptly inform you about the incident by email, letter, telephone, push notification, or other methods. If it is difficult to inform the user information subject one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to issue an announcement. At the same time, we will also proactively report the handling of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

           5. Your rights and how to access, correct and manage your personal information

      In accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and standards in the United States and Europe, as well as common practices in other countries and regions, we ensure that you exercise the following rights for your user information:

           1) Access your user information

      You have the right to access your user information except the exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you want to exercise your data access rights, please access your information through the Sportneer App.

      If you cannot access the user information through the Sportneer App, you can send an email to at any time. We will respond to your request within 30 days.

           2) Correct your user information

      When you find that your user information is processed wrongly, you have the right to ask for corrections by applying for correction on the “Access to your user information”. If you are unable to correct the user information through the Sportneer App, please send an email to at any time. We will respond to your request within 30 days.

           3) Delete your user information.

      You can request us to delete user information in the following situations:

           a) If our processing of user information violates laws and regulations.

           b) If we collect and use your user information without your consent.

           c) If our processing of user information violates the agreement with you;

           d) If you won’t use our products or services any more, or you cancel your account.

           e) If we won’t provide you with products or services any more.

      We will evaluate your deletion request, and will process it in corresponding steps if it meets relevant regulations. When you come with a deletion request, we may require you to verify your identity to protect the security of your account. After your information is deleted from our services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system and will store your information safely until the backup can be cleared or anonymized under applicable laws and security technologies.

           4) Change the scope of your authorization and consent.

      Each business function can be accomplished with some basic user information (see "Part One" of this policy). For the collection and use of user information, you can give or withdraw your authorization at any time. You can unbind the relationship through the Safe Account in the Sportneer App.

      After you withdraw your consent, we won’t process the corresponding user information any longer. At the same time, please note that your withdrawal of authorization and consent may bring some results, for example, we may not be able to continue to provide you with corresponding services or specific functions. However, your decision to withdraw consent won’t affect the previous user information processing based on your authorization.

           5) The user principal cancels the account.

      You can cancel the previously registered account at any time by sending an email to, and we will reply you with an account cancellation agreement within 30 days. Then you can complete the cancellation after you confirm it.

      After canceling your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, and delete or anonymize your information according to your request, except the parts regulated by laws and regulations. Because cancellation may also enable you to lose access to the data in your account, please take special caution to do this. After you agree to cancel your account, we may still retain some information to enable us to perform legal obligations, or exercise, defend or establish our rights when necessary.

           6) Constrain the automatic decision-making of the information system.

      For some business functions, we may make decisions only based on non-manual automatic decision-making mechanisms including information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your legal rights, you have the right to ask for an explanation and we will also provide appropriate remedies.

           7) Respond to your above requests.

      To ensure safety, you may need to provide a written request or use other ways to prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request.

      We will reply within 30 days. In principle, we do not charge a fee for your reasonable request. However, for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain cost according to the situation. We may reject requests that are unreasonably repeated, require excessive technical means (for example, it needs to develop a new system or fundamentally change existing practices), bring risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very unrealistic. Please also understand that we may not be able to respond to some of your requests like the following situations due to security considerations, requirements of relevant laws and regulations, or technical restrictions:

           a) Related to the performance of the obligations stipulated by laws and regulations by the user information controller.

           b) Directly related to national security and national defense security.

           c) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests.

           d) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments.

           e) The user information controller has sufficient evidence to show that the user principal has subjective malice or abuse of rights.

           f) In order to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

           g) Respond to the request of the user principal but cause serious damage to the legal rights and interests of the user principal, other individuals or organizations.

           h) Involving trade secrets.

           6. Process children's personal information

      We attach great importance to the protection of children's personal information, and our products, software, websites and services are mainly provided for adults. Without the consent of their parents or supervisors, children should not create their own user accounts. Although local laws and customs define children differently, we treat anyone under the age of 14 as a child.

      In the case of collecting children user information with the consent of their parent or supervisors, we will only store, use or publicly disclose their information when permitted by law, the parents or supervisors' explicit consent, or necessary to protect the children, otherwise we will try to delete the related data as soon as possible.

      In view of the limitations of existing technology and business model, it is difficult for us to proactively identify children’s personal information. If you find that we have collected children’s personal information unconsciously or without the prior consent of a verifiable supervisor, please contact us in time. We will try to delete it in time. If we find the aforementioned situation, we will delete it in time, unless the law requires us to keep it.

           7. User information storage and transfer globally

      In principle, the user information when you use the Sportneer App will be collected by us and stored on the Amazon cloud in the United States, and processed by our affiliates and service providers in other regions they locate. We will only retain your user information for the period required for the purpose and use described in the policy and the minimum period stipulated by laws and regulations. After the above retention period is exceeded, we will delete or anonymize your user information according to the requirements of applicable laws and regulations. For the special regulations stipulated by laws and regulations, or for public interest, scientific and historical research etc., or your consent of authorization, we may retain relevant data for a longer period of time.

      Since we provide products or services through resources and servers all over the world, that means that your user information may be transferred to the overseas jurisdiction of the country/region where you use the products or services, or may be visited from these jurisdictions after obtaining your authorization. Please note that laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so the privacy laws of the regions where your information is transferred, stored, used, or processed may be different from the privacy laws of your region. We will ask for your consent to the cross-border transfer of user information, or implement security measures such as data de-identification before cross-border data transfer.

           8. Update

      The privacy policy may change. Without your explicit consent, we won’t reduce your rights in accordance with this policy. When we update, we will revise the "last updated date" listed at the top of the policy and post all changes made to the policy.

      For major changes, we will also provide more noticeable notifications. The major changes referred to in the policy include but are not limited to:

           a) Our service model may have major changes, like the purpose of processed user information, the type of processed user information, and the way the user information is used, etc.

           b) Significant changes have taken place in our ownership structure and organizational structure, such as changes of ownership caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc.

           c) The main objects of user information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed.

           d) Your rights to participate in user information processing and its execution way have been greatly changed.

           e) The user information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk.

           f) We will also save the old version of the policy for your review.

           9. Contact us

      If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the policy, please contact us in the following ways:


      Under normal circumstances, we will reply to you within 30 days.